Christian Fellowship Churches - Upcoming Events

The Ladies Night Out has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 26th @ 4 pm. More details will be coming soon.
Friday, March 7th CFC will be hosting the World Day of Prayer. If you would like to be a part of this as a greeter, hold a speaking part, or help with the food, please contact Kelly Roth.

On Friday, March 21st Katie & Kenzie Staley, Lisa & Allie Wallace, Gavyn & Shadow Plesscher & Matt Miller will be heading to North Carolina to serve with Baptists on Mission to help repair homes affected by Hurricane Helene. Please cover them in prayer as they travel, serve and share the love of Jesus along the way.​
If you missed the CFC Kidz Ministry training meeting last Sunday, you are invited to stick around TODAY for Session 2 in the Kidz Kabin beginning @ 11:30. We are looking for head teachers and helpers to assist & you can sign up to help as much or little as you would like throughout the year. Is the Holy Spirit nudging you?
Kidz Kabin
Pastor Tim will be holding a Membership Class in the Kidz Kabin on Sunday, April 6th following the morning service for anyone who would like to become a member of the CFC Family. Please contact Kelly Roth if you would like to participate or explore what it means to be a CFC member.