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1st Sunday of Lent​​

Series:  Words Matter


​​   Message:  “Fighting Words” 


Scripture:  James 4:1-12, Genesis 4,

Philippians 4:7


Message:  Pastor Tim


Worship Leader:  Ken Ryskamp




We are now in the season of Lent, which is a sacred season of spiritual preparation, self-reflection, and devotion leading up to the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection at Easter. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes at sundown on Holy Thursday. This 40-day period mirrors Christ’s fasting in the desert and serves as a time of reflection, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (donating money or goods to the poor and other acts of charity.)  Our hope at CFC is that we are all daily growing in our relationship with Him, confessing and repenting of sin and praising God that “His mercies are new every morning!”​


On Friday, March 21st Katie & Kenzie Staley, Lisa & Allie Wallace, Gavyn & Shadow Plesscher & Matt Miller will be heading to North Carolina to serve with Baptists on Mission to help repair homes affected by Hurricane Helene. Please cover them in prayer as they travel, serve and share the love of Jesus along the way.


Pastor Tim will be holding a Membership Class in the Kidz Kabin on Sunday, April 6th following the morning service for anyone who would like to become a member of the CFC Family. Please contact Kelly Roth if you would like to participate or explore what it means to be a CFC member.



CFC is preparing to launch a new CFC KIDZ curriculum for our Pre-K through 5th grade kids and we’re EXCITED! After much research and prayer, we have decided to use resources from “Answers in Genesis” which include Bible based lessons, games, activities, and take-home papers with memory verses. We will be launching the new curriculum on Sunday, April 6th.


If you missed the CFC Kidz Ministry training meeting last Sunday, you are invited to stick around TODAY for Session 2 in the Kidz Kabin beginning @ 11:30. We are looking for head teachers and helpers to assist & you can sign up to help as much or little as you would like throughout the year. Is the Holy Spirit nudging you?


The upcoming Women’s Keryx Weekend is April 3rd – 6th & the Men’s Keryx Weekend is April 10th – 13th. Both weekends will be held in Pickford at the Global Methodist Church. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to experience the gospel, who Christ is, or deepen your relationship with Him. There will also be many more blessings throughout the weekend. If the Holy Spirit is nudging you to attend, talk to Chad or Katti Gouza for more information.


The Ladies Night Out has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 26th @ 4 pm.  More details will be coming soon.


As a reminder…please save the parking spaces in the front (south side) of the Worship Center for our guests, those with small children & others that are less able-bodied to help make it easier for them to join us in worship. Thanks!


An additional $229.67 was raised through the CFC “Coins for CareNet” coin drive which brings the total to $1,393.48. Your generous donations will be used to minister to women & men navigating an unplanned pregnancy.


To our dear CFC family:

Thank you so very much for the wonderful farewell party for Matt & me. When we moved to the U.P. in October of 2020 the first church we visited was Naubinway Christian Fellowship. We knew right away that we didn’t need to look any further for our church home. It was so true that at our first Sunday we were guests and after that we were family! We are slowly but surely getting settled into our new rental home in Addison, Illinois with our daughter, Amanda. I’m looking forward to meeting our neighbors. We miss you and the beautiful U.P. already, and pray that God continues to bless and guide you and the ministries of Christian Fellowship Churches and Love in the Name of Christ.        Matt & Elaine Laky

                     641 N. Neva Avenue, Addison, Illinois 60101


Everence® Financial will host a monthly Medicare Mondays webinar series. Topics will include, when and where to sign up for Medicare, what Medicare covers, plus an explanation of Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D. Attendance is recommended for those ready to sign up for Medicare. The webinars will continue the second Monday from March to May at 2:00 & 8:00 p.m. Eastern. To register, or for more information, visit



Everence Spring Webinar Series

Everence® will continue their webinar Spring series in March. In this series, you’ll hear how Everence can help you make important financial decisions that reflect your faith values. Specific topics will include: •Necessary conversations: Let’s talk about money • Retirement readiness: Understanding your income options • Invest in a better world.  For more information, see the bulletin on our Information wall.  To register, visit


​​​​Upcoming Meetings

Bible Study Fellowship – Mondays @ 6:15 – NC

Men 4 the Kingdom – Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm - RC

Redemption Road – Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm – NC

Faith Against Cancer – 2nd & 4th Thursdays @ 6:30pm – NC

Church Council – March 20th @ 6:00 pm – NC

Elder Team – March 28th @ 10:00 am – RC

Leadership Team Mtg – Apr 3rd & Aug 28th @ 6:00 pm- NC

CFC Family Meeting – April 24th @ 7:00 pm – FWC


  • Today: Sermon Discussion Class @ 11:30 am

  • Monday: PT & Kathy in Florida

  • Monday: Ladies Bible Study @ NC 1:00 pm

  • Monday: Men’s/Women’s BSF @ NC 6:15 pm

  • Tuesday: Men 4 the Kingdom @ RC 7:00 pm

  • Wednesday: Redemption Road @ NC 6:30 pm

  • Wednesday: Illumin8 @ Newberry 6:30 pm

  • Wednesday: Bible Talk on Facebook 7:00 pm

  • Thursday: Men’s Bible Study @ NC 10:00 am

  • Thursday: Faith Against Cancer @ NCF 6:30 pm

       Worship Leaders:         FWC - 



Greg Johnston 9th

Daniel Makin 10th

Lisa Wallace 10th

Joe Blanchard 11th

Nate Stielstra 12th

Chari Behrens 12th

Hope Jarrad





















Devon & Kaylee Derusha 23rd, Jon & Lori Conroy 24th,

Larry & Bonnie Evearitt 24th, Dave & Robyn Albrecht 27th

“Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, pitfalls and potholes.  Through the seasons of life, God never intended for people to walk the path of life lonely, without guidance, and carrying the heavy baggage of a broken world.  Join us as we journey together and learn to trust the God of the Bible to be our Guide."



N7970 Church St. 

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Join us at the FWC Sunday's at 10 am for worship and at 11:30 for adult Bible study.  You can find us in the town of Naubinway at:

11688 US Hwy 2

call us at:


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